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Publisher Journal Details Impact Factor Paper Title
Nature Publishing Group Nature; 459, 712-716 (4 June 2009) 36.1 Frequent inactivation of A20 in B-cell lymphomas
American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases Hepatology; Volume 57, Issue 5, Pages 1942-1949, May 2013 11.665 Incidence of and risk factors for hepatocellular carcinoma in primary biliary cirrhosis: National data from Japan
The American Society of Hematology Blood; February 16, 2011 10.558 Gene expression profiling of peripheral blood mononuclear cells from children with active hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis
American Heart Association Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology; 2009, 29:33-39 7.54 Transient increase in plasma oxidized LDL during the progression of atherosclerosis in apolipoprotein E knockout mice
European Society for Medical Oncology Annals of Oncology; Volume 22, Issue 11, Pp. 2535 6.45 Thymic large-cell neuroendocrine carcinoma: a disease neglected in the ESMO guideline?
Nature Publishing group Kidney International; 18 April 2012 6.105 Composition and plaque patterns of coronary culprit lesions and clinical characteristics of patients with chronic kidney disease
Oxford University Press British Journal of Anaesthesia 5.834 Intraoperative oliguria predicts acute kidney injury after major abdominal surgery
International Life Sciences Institute International life science institute 5.541 Nuts and legume seeds for cardiovascular risk reduction: scientific evidence and mechanisms of action
Elsevier The Journal of Pediatrics; Volume 160, Issue 2, Pages 342-344, February 2012 5.39 Proton magnetic resonance spectroscopic images in preterm infants with bilirubin encephalopathy
Creative Commons Attribution Journal of Medical Internet Research; 13, 3, pp. 1-66 4.98 Development of a Web-Based Survey for Monitoring Daily Health and its Application in an Epidemiological Survey
BioMed Central Cardiovascular Diabetology 4.735 Low 1,5-anhydroglucitol levels are associated with long-term cardiac mortality in acute coronary syndrome patients with hemoglobin A1c levels less than 7.0%
PLoS ONE PLoS ONE; December 2011, Volume 6, Issue 12, e29378 4.411 General anesthetics inhibit erythropoietin induction under hypoxic conditions in the mouse brain
Elsevier B.V.  International Journal of Cardiology; March 29, 2013 4.111 The human female heart incorporates glucose more efficiently than the male heart
Plos One Plos One; May 9,2013 4.092 Analysis of Effects of Meteorological Factors on Dengue Incidence in Sri Lanka Using Time Series Data
Segawa PLoS ONE; 01/2011, 6(8):e23278. 4.09 Probiotic-Derived Polyphosphate Enhances the Epithelial Barrier Function and Maintains Intestinal Homeostasis through Integrin–p38 MAPK Pathway
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Transplantation; Volume 95,Issue 3,Pages 418-425,February 15,2013 4.003 Blood Group Antigen-Targeting Peptide Suppresses Anti-Blood Group Antibody Binding to Antigen in Renal Glomerular Capillaries After ABO-Incompatible Blood Reperfusion
Wiley Online Library Journal of Neurochemistry 3.867 A spontaneously immortalized Schwann cell line from aldose reductase-deficient mice as a useful tool for studying polyol pathway and aldehyde metabolism
Nature Publishing Group Bone marrow transplantation; Volume 47,Pages 139-140,2012 3.746 Imatinib is effective for prevention and improvement of fibrotic fasciitis as a manifestation of chronic GVHD
American Association of Neurological Surgeons Journal of Neurosurgery 3.71 Pathophysiological Findings explored via Epilepsy Surgery
Oxford University Press Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation; 2011 3.56 Remission of proteinuria and preservation of renal function in patients with renal AA amyloidosis secondary to rheumatoid arthritis
Elsevier Respiratory Medicine 3.477 Serum surfactant protein D predicts the outcome of patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis treated with pirfenidone
Wiley Online Library Clinical & Experimental Immunology 3.41 Dynamics of M1 macrophages in oral mucosal lesions during the development of acute graft-versus-host disease in rats
Creative Commons Attribution International Journal of Medical Education; 2011, 2:74-79 3.34 Does the instructional quality of community-based clinical clerkships influence students' career preferences?
Elsevier Analytical Biochemistry; Volume 393, Issue 2, 15 October 2009, Pages 248-254 3.236 Precursor ion scanning and sequencing of arginine-ADP-ribosylated peptide by mass spectrometry
Springer Molecular Imaging and Biology; Volume 13, Number 1, 152-160 3.139 Evaluation of limiting brain penetration related to P-glycoprotein and breast cancer resistance protein using [11C]GF120918 by PET in mice
Wiley Online Library Journal of Diabetes Investigation 3.039 High risk of renal dysfunction in patients with fulminant type 1 diabetes
Wiley Online Library American Journal of Reproductive Immunology ; First published: 9 March 2017 - Open Access 2.97 Distribution of invariant natural killer T cells and dendritic cells in late preterm birth without acute chorioamnionitis
Springer European Radiology; Volume 19, Number 12 2.941 Effective dose evaluation of multidetector CT examinations: influence of the ICRP recommendation in 2007
PLOS PLOS ONE 2.864 Sex-related differences in the risk factors for in-hospital mortality and outcomes of ischemic stroke patients in rural areas of Taiwan
Springer Journal of Neuro-Oncology; Volume 108, Number 1 (2012), 37-44 2.72 Molecular and genetic profiles of radiographically defined de novo meningiomas
Elsevier B.V. The American Journal of Surgery; Volume 204, Issue 4 , Pages 487-493, October 2012 2.68 Axillary ultrasound examination is useful for selecting patients optimally suited for sentinel lymph node biopsy after primary systemic chemotherapy.
Springer Link Medical Oncology 2.634 Genetic polymorphisms associated with adverse reactions of molecular-targeted therapies in renal cell carcinoma
Elsevier Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications; Volume 369, Issue 3, 9 May 2008, Pages 878-883 2.595 Siglec-9 enhances IL-10 production in macrophages via tyrosine-based motifs
Elsevier Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications ; Volume 488, Issue 1, 17 June 2017, Pages 74–80 2.53 STIM1 and STIM2 differently regulate endogenous Ca2+ entry and promote TGF-β-induced EMT in breast cancer cells
Elsevier B.V. Epilepsy Research; Volume 96, Issue 1 , Pages 185-189, September 2011 2.49 Effects of acetazolamide on epileptic apnea in migrating partial seizures in infancy.
Baishideng Publishing Group Co. Limited World Journal of Gastroenterology; Volume 19, Issue 10,Pages 1665-1668,March 14,2013 2.471 Metachronous colonic metastasis from pancreatic cancer seven years post-pancreatoduodenectomy
Springer Plant Foods for Human Nutrition; Volume 64, Number 3, 193-198 2.463 Yam contributes to improvement of glucose metabolism in rats
BioMed Central Ltd BMC Gastroenterology; Volume 13, Page 31, February 14,2013 2.42 Threaded biliary inside stents are a safe and effective therapeutic option in cases of malignant hilar obstruction
Wiley European Journal of Haematology 2.414 Familial thrombotic risk based on the genetic background of Protein C Deficiency in a Portuguese Study.
The American Physical Society Physical Review E; 81 Issue 1, 011910 (2010) [10 Pages] 2.352 Effect of the natural state of an elastic cellular membrane on tank-treading and tumbling motions of a single red blood cell
Elsevier Urology; Volume 75, Issue 6, Pages 1499-1503, June 2010 2.334 Uterus-, fallopian tube-, ovary-, and vagina-sparing cystectomy followed by U-shaped ileal neobladder for female bladder cancer patients: Oncological and functional outcomes
Wiley Online Library Pediatric Blood and Cancer 2.305 Is Metastatic Rhabdomyosarcoma an Indication for Cardioverter Defibrillator Implantation?
Baishideng Publishing Group Co., Limited. World Journal of Gastrointestinal Oncology; 2010 November 15, 2(11), pages 417-420 2.24 Cecal vanishing tumor associated with cytomegalovirus infection in an immunocompetent elderly adult
Elsevier Academic Radiology; Volume 18, Issue 2, February 2011, Pages 191-196 2.195 Comparison of Chest Dual-energy Subtraction Digital Tomosynthesis Imaging and Dual-energy Subtraction Radiography to Detect Simulated Pulmonary Nodules with and without Calcifications: A Phantom Study
Elsevier Journal of Surgical Research 2.137 Polymeric micelles loaded with (1,2-diaminocyclohexane)platinum(II) against colorectal cancer
J-Stage Progress in Rehabilitation Medicine 2.098 Training with an Electric Exercise Bike versus a Conventional Exercise Bike during Hemodialysis for Patients with End-stage Renal Disease: A Randomized Clinical Trial
Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic Journal of Radiation Research; Vol. 53 (2012) No. 2 P 295-300 2.01 Daily CT measurement of needle applicator displacement during multifractionated high-dose-rate interstitial brachytherapy for postoperative recurrent uterine cancer.
SpringerNature International Journal of Clinical Oncology ; pp 1–8 2 Post‑recurrence chemotherapy for mesothelioma patients undergoing extrapleural pneumonectomy
Elsevier B.V.  Gait & Posture; Volume 36, Issue 1, Pages 90-94, May 2012 1.969 Influence of constrained visual and somatic senses on controlling centre of mass during sit-to-stand
International Institute of Anticancer Research Anticancer Research 1.942 Differences in urinary renal failure biomarkers in cancer patients initially treated with cisplatin
Elsevier Epilepsy Research; Volume 96, Issue 1, Pages 185-189, September 2011 1.897 Effects of acetazolamide on epileptic apnea in migrating partial seizures in infancy
The Japan Society of Hepatology Hepatology Research; 2012, 42: 103-109 1.86 Extensive portal and mesenteric vein thrombosis in a young man with Klinefelter’s syndromehepr
Oxford University Press Japanese Journal of Clinical Oncology; 5th Oct 2011 1.856 S-1 Monotherapy for Recurrent or Metastatic Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Head and Neck After Progression on Platinum-based Chemotherapy
Wiley Online Library Microbiology and Immunology 1.825 Efficient isolation of human metapneumovirus using MNT-1, a human malignant melanoma cell line exhibiting early and distinct cytopathic effect
Hindawi Publishing Corporation Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine ; Volume 2017 (2017), Article ID 1902807, 7 pages 1.82 Effects of Inhalation Aromatherapy on Symptoms of Sleep Disturbance in the Elderly with Dementia
Pagepress European Journal of Histochemistry; Vol 53, No 4 (2009) 1.809 Identification of the novel localization of tenascinX in the monkey choroid plexus and comparison with the mouse
Mary Ann Liebert Journal of Endourology; May 8, 2012 1.729 Comparison of the Clinical Outcome and Systemic Inflammatory Marker Levels Between Retroperitoneal and Transperitoneal Laparoscopic Donor Nephrectomy
Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. Journal of Medicinal Food 1.7 Yacon-Based Product in the Modulation of Intestinal Constipation.
National Center for Biotechnology Information Anticancer Research; 2012 Mar; 32(3): 887-92 1.656 Cytotoxicity of activated natural killer cells and expression of adhesion molecules in small-cell lung cancer
Wiley Periodicals Inc. Diseases of the esophagus; Feb 26,2013 1.642 Endoscopic submucosal dissection for superficial esophageal neoplasms using the stag beetle knife
Springer Link Surgery Today 1.626 Efficacy of the traditional Japanese medicine goreisan for the resolution of spermatic cord hydrocele in children
Shingo Hatakeyama et al International Journal of Nephrology; Volume 2012 (2012) 1.623 Effect of an oral adsorbent, AST-120, on dialysis initiation and survival in patients with chronic kidney disease
Hindawi Publishing Corporation International Journal of Nephrology; Volume 2011 (2011), Article ID 464735, 6 pages 1.623 Efficacy of SMART Stent Placement for Salvage Angioplasty in Hemodialysis Patients with Recurrent Vascular Access Stenosis
Cambridge University Press Journal of Helminthology; 2011 Jun 8:1-5 1.544 High levels of Schistosoma mansoni infections among schoolchildren in central Sudan one year after treatment with praziquantel.
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation; May 21,2013 1.529 Effective three-dimensional evaluation analysis of upper airway form during oral appliance therapy in patients with obstructive sleep apnoea
Elsevier World Neurosurgery ; Volume 102, June 2017, Pages 593-597 1.46 Effect of an Anterior Cingulotomy on Pain, Cognition, and Sensory Pathways
Springer International Journal of Clinical Oncology; December 2011, Volume 16, Issue 6, pp 694-700 1.44 Time to first tumor progression as a predictor of efficacy of continued treatment with trastuzumab beyond progression in human epidermal growth factor receptor 2-positive metastatic breast cancer
College of Science and Technology Medicine and biology; Volume 157,Issue 2,Pages 257-264,2013 1.379 Evaluation of the intravenous blood sampling practice model using a syringe-type force sensor
Springer Clinical and Experimental Nephrology; Volume 16, Number 1 (2012), 168-172 1.37 Granulomatous interstitial nephritis associated with atypical drug-induced hypersensitivity syndrome induced by carbamazepine
Springer Link Journal of Artificial Organs 1.342 Successful management of prolonged venovenous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in an octogenarian
Springer International Journal of Hematology; Volume 93, Number 6, 787-790 1.325 Case series of pediatric acute leukemia without a peripheral blood abnormality, detected by magnetic resonance imaging
Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Diagnostic Cytopathology; 2012 Jan 12 (Online) 1.26 A case of blastic plasmacytoid dendritic cell neoplasm: Cytomorphological findings of the touch imprint specimen of lymph node.
S. Karger AG Ophthalmologica 2012; 227:197-204 1.257 Effect of decentration on the optical performance in multifocal intraocular lenses
Springer Surgery Today; March 2013 1.224 Preoperative liver function assessments to estimate the prognosis and safety of liver resections
John Wiley & Sons Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health; Volume 46, Issue 12, Pages 785–786, December 2010 1.221 Recurrent focal myositis in an infant: a report of the youngest case
Springer Journal of Orthopaedic Science; Volume 17, Number 3, 2012, 328-330 1.11 A Pilot Feasibility Study for Immediate Relief of Referred Knee Pain by Hip Traction in Hip Osteoarthritis
BioOne Zoological Science; 27(4):369-373. 2010 1.087 Changes in the olfactory response to amino acids in Japanese newts after transfer from an aquatic to a terrestrial habitat
Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic Internal Medicine; 2012, 51(1):59-64 1.04 Clinical characteristics and risk factors for mortality in patients with bacteremia caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
Journal of Vascular Surgery Journal of Vascular Surgery 1.029 Assessing internal carotid artery stenosis with a semiautomated computed tomography angiography tool and duplex ultrasound
Informa healthcare Acta Oto-Laryngologica 0.99 Subjective neck pain or foreign body sensation and the true location of foreign bodies in the pharynx
National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health Industrial Health; Vol. 48 (2010), No. 4, Pp.470-477 0.95 Brief hourly exercise during night work can help maintain workers’ performance
The Japanese Society of Internal Medicine Internal Medicine; Volume 51, Issue 22, Pages 3163-3167, 2012 0.936 Eosinophilic Lung Disease Complicated by Kimuras Disease: A Case Report and Literature Review
Universidade de Sao Paulo Brazilian Oral Research ; vol.31 São Paulo 2017 Epub Jan 16, 2017 0.874 Factors for determining dental anxiety in preschool children with severe dental caries
Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic Neurol Med Chir; (Tokyo), 2011, 51(11):809-11 0.87 Lumbar discal cyst with spontaneous regression and subsequent occurrence of lumbar disc herniation.
Slack Incorporated Orthopedics; 2011 Sep 9, 34(9):e578-80 0.84 Recurrent hemarthrosis after unicompartmental knee arthroplasty.
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. International Journal of Rheumatic disease; May 23,2013 0.807 Low body mass index is associated with impaired quality of life in patients with rheumatoid arthritis
Brazilian Oral Research Brazilian Oral Research 0.774 Risk of leukemia in first-degree relatives of patients with nonsyndromic cleft lip and palate
Japanese Society of Sleep Research Sleep and Biological Rhythms; Volume 7, Issue 3, Pages 188–192, July 2009 0.753 Efficacy and safety of temperature data loggers in measuring compliance with the use of oral appliances
Elsevier International Journal of Surgery Case Reports 0.661 True left-sided gallbladder: A case report and comparison with the literature for the different techniques of laparoscopic cholecystectomy for such anomalies
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Pediatrics International; Volume 55, Issue 2, Pages 251-253, April 2013 0.626 Diagnosis of Epilepsy Made by an Implantable Loop Recorder in a Child With Long-QT Syndrome Type 3.
SpringerNature Journal of Psycholinguistic Research ; pp 1–10 ; First Online: 12 May 2017 - Open Access 0.617 Impaired Interpretation of Others Behavior is Associated with Difficulties in Recognizing Pragmatic Language in Patients with Schizophrenia.
Turkish journal of gastroenterology Turkish journal of gastroenterology 0.47 The Turkish version of the Rome III criteria for IBS is valid and reliable.
BioMed Central Ltd Journal of Medical Case Reports; Volume 7,Issue 94,April 5,2013 0.35 Memantine treatment for neuropsychiatric symptoms in a patient with probable idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus: a case report
Elsevier Journal of Pediatric Surgery Case Reports , Volume 17, February 2017, Pages 37-41 - open access 0.168 A case of superior mesenteric artery syndrome developed after pancreatic teratoma resection.
Elsevier Neurology, Psychiatry and Brain Research; Available online 18 April 2012 0.1 Neuronalimmunoreactivity for mannose-bindinglectinaftervenousocclusion-inducedfocalcerebralischemia in rats
J-Stage Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin - Alterations in Cisplatin Pharmacokinetics and Its Acute/Sub-chronic Kidney Injury over Multiple Cycles of Cisplatin Treatment in Rats
J-Stage Journal of the Japanese Society of Pediatric Surgeons - A Clinical Study of Primary Spontaneous Pneumothorax in Children
BioMed Central Sleep Science and Practice - Changes in the symptom frequency of rapid eye movement sleep behavior disorder according to disease duration
Oxford University Press Oxford Medical Case Reports - A case of pernicious anemia requiring differential diagnosis of autoimmune hemolytic anemia complication 
American Society of Hematology Blood Advances; 2017 1:1001-1015 - Hmga2 collaborates with JAK2V617F in the development of myeloproliferative neoplasms
Springer Springer Plus; Volume 2, Page 156, April 11, 2013 - High-dose intravenous methylprednisolone for the prophylactic treatment of cluster headache
BMJ Publishing Group Ltd. BMJ Case Reports; Volume 2013, April 3,2013 - A case of Takotsubo cardiomyopathy induced by accidental hypothermia and diabetic ketoacidosis
Springer Radiological Physics and Technology; February 2013 - Where should we measure the entrance air kerma rate during acceptance testing of the automatic dose control of a fluoroscopic system?
BMJ Publishing Group Ltd. BMJ Case Reports; 2011 - Osteomalacia with severe thoracic and spondylous deformity complicated by osteoporosis
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Creative Commons Attribution International Journal of Medical Education; 2011, 2:74-79 - Does the instructional quality of community-based clinical clerkships influence students' career preferences?
Springer Reproductive Medicine and Biology; September 2010, Volume 9, Issue 3, pp 173-177 - Successful pregnancy after intracytoplasmic sperm injection with testicular spermatozoa transported only under refrigeration
BMJ Publishing Group Ltd BMJ Open; Volume 2, Issue 1 - Randomised controlled trial evaluating the efficacy of wrap therapy for wound healing acceleration in patients with NPUAP stage II and III pressure ulcer
BioMed Central Ltd Journal of Clinical Bioinformatics; 1:33 - Mathematical morphology-based approach to the enhancement of morphological features in medical images
Baishideng Publishing Group Co., Limited World Journal of Cardiology (2010); Volume: 2, Issue: 7, Pages: 205-210 - Impaired coronary microvascular endothelial function in men with metabolic syndrome
The Japan Broncho-Esophagological Society Journal of the Japan Broncho-Esophagological Society; Vol. 60 (2009), No. 5 Pp.424-432 - The effect of autologous fascia implantation with basic fibroblast growth factor (b-FGF) on unilateral recurrent laryngeal nerve paralysis in rats

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Física, Engenharia e áreas afins

Publisher Journal Details Impact Factor Paper Title
Institute of Physics Publishing Journal of Physics, Conference Series; Volume 400 , Issue 1, 2013 13.069 Gutzwiller study of phase diagrams of extended Bose Hubbard models
John Wiley & Sons Angewandte Chemie; 3 May 2012 12.73 Cyclometalated Ruthenium(II) Complexes as Near-IR Sensitizers for High Efficiency Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells
Elsevier Coordination Chemistry Reviews, Volume 257, Issue 1, 1 January 2013, Pages 171–186 12.098 Recent advances in the photocatalytic conversion of carbon dioxide to fuels with water and/or hydrogen using solar energy and beyond
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Advanced Functional Materials; June 14, 2013 10.179 Extremely Low Operating Voltage Green Phosphorescent Organic Light-Emitting Devices
American Chemical Society Journal of American Chemical Society; 2011, 133 (9), pp 2860–2863 9.019 Sodium or Lithium Ion-Binding-Induced Structural Changes in the K-Ring of V-ATPase from Enterococcus hirae Revealed by ATR-FTIR Spectroscopy
RSC Publishing Chem. Commun., 2014,50, 3067-3070 6.718 A photofuel cell comprising titanium oxide and silver(I/0) photocatalysts for use of acidic water as a fuel
Royal Society of Chemistry 2013 Green Chemistry; Volume 15,Pages 1318-1325,March 12,2013 6.32 Synthesis and Characterization of Renewable Polyester Containing Oxabicyclic Dicarboxylate Derived from Furfural
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engine IEICE Electronics Express ; Vol. 14 (2017) No. 4 pp. 20161218 5.9 Characteristic Analysis of Relatively High Speed, Loosely Coupled Rotating Excitation Transformers in HEV and EV drive motor excitation systems
Royal Society of Chemistry Chemical Communications; 2012, 48, 3833-3835 5.58 Highly efficient photoelectrochemical water splitting using a thin film photoanode of BiVO4/SnO2/WO3 multi-composite in a carbonate electrolyte
American Chemical Society Organic Letters; 2012, 14 (3), pp 812-815 5.25 Enantioselective Acylation of 1, 2- and 1, 3-Diols Catalyzed by Aminophosphinite Derivatives of (1S,2R)-1-Amino-2-indanol
American Meteorological Society Journal of Climate 4.85 No Access Response of Tropical Cyclone Activity and Structure to Global Warming in a High-Resolution Global Nonhydrostatic Model
American Chemical Society Crystal Growth and Design; 2011, 11 (12), pp 5574-5591 4.7 Structural Extension from an Isonicotinic Acid Dimer to 4-(4-Pyridyl)benzoic Acid (pybenH) Dimer: X-ray Crystal Structure Analysis and Inclusion Properties of a Hydrogen-Bonded Coordination Polymer [Ni(SCN)2(py
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American Chemical Society Inorganic Chemistry; 2010 Nov 15, 49(22), Pages 10680-6 4.325 Formation of diaryl telluroxides and tellurones by photosensitized oxygenation of diaryl tellurides.
Elsevier Journal of Power Sources; Volume 193, Issue 2, 5 September 2009, Pages 788-796 4.283 Development and demonstration flight of a fuel cell system for high-altitude balloons
Royal Society of Chemistry CrystEngComm; 2011,13, 6405-6414 4.11 Synthesis, X-ray crystal structures and inclusion properties of a hydrogen-bonded coordination polymer [Ni(SCN)2(pppeH)2]·(guest)x
Elsevier International Journal of Hydrogen Energy; Volume 33, Issue 22, November 2008, Pages 6792-6799 4.053 Hydrogen oxidation in H2/O2/N2 gas mixture by pulsed DBD at atmospheric pressure
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American Institute of Physics Applied Physics Letters; Volume 94, Issue 20 3.82 Theoretical investigation on polarization control of semipolar-oriented InGaN quantum-well emission using (Al)InGaN alloy substrates
American Institute of Physics Publishing LLC Applied Physics Letters; Volume 102,Issue 14,(4 pages),April 9,2013 3.787 Suppression of vacancy aggregation by silicon-doping in low-temperature-grown Ga1−xCrxN
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Optical Society of America Optics Express; Volume 17, Issue 16, Page 14132 3.749 Recording and reading temperature tolerance in holographic data storage, in relation to the anisotropic thermal expansion of a photopolymer medium
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Elsevier Polymer ; Volume 116, 5 May 2017, Pages 506-514 3.66 Structure-mechanical property relationships in crosslinked phenolic resin investigated by molecular dynamics simulation
American Chemical Society Journal of Physical Chemistry B; 2010, 114 (28), pp 9201–9208 3.603 Effects of Methylation at the 2 Position of the Cation Ring on Phase Behaviors and Conformational Structures of Imidazolium-Based Ionic Liquids
American Chemical Society. Journal of Physical Chemistry B; 2010 Jul 22, 114(28):9201-8 3.6 Effects of methylation at the 2 position of the cation ring on phase behaviors and conformational structures of imidazolium-based ionic liquids.
Elsevier Bioelectrochemistry 3.565 Factors affecting the interaction between carbon nanotubes and redox enzymes in direct electron transfer-type bioelectrocatalysis
Royal Society of Chemistry Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics; 2011,13, 18481-18484 3.45 Effective control of gas hydrate dissociation above the melting point of ice
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Administração, Negócios, Economia e áreas afins+ Artes, Ciências Sociais e áreas afins

Publisher Journal Details Impact Factor Paper Title
Springer Human-Computer Interaction: Interaction Techniques and Environments; Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 4.73 Eye-Movement-Based Instantaneous Cognition Model for Non-verbal Smooth Closed Figures.
Springer Psychonomic Bulletin & Review; Volume 19, Number 2 (2012), 285-293 2.61 Behavioral evidence for format-dependent processes in approximate numerosity representation
Oxford University Press European Journal of Public Health 2.465 Activation of older patients through PRACTA intervention for primary healthcare doctors. Does the method matter?
Elsevier Journal of Cleaner Production; Volume 18, Issue 13, September 2010, Pages 1284-1299 2.425 Development of a simulation model for reuse businesses and case studies in Japan
Elsevier Journal of Cleaner Production; Volume 17, Issue 17, November 2009, Pages 1547-1555 2.425 Business frameworks for sustainable society: A case study on reuse industries in Japan
Japan Society for Occupational Health Journal of Occupational Health; 52(1), 39-47, 2010-01-01 1.74 Interactive Model of Subsidiary Behaviors, Work Performance and Autonomic Nerve Activity during Visual Display Terminal Work
Wiley British Journal of Educational Technology 1.54 Educational techonology
Industrial Research Institute Research technology management; Volume 56,Issue 3,Pages 41-48(8),May-June 2013 0.712 Exploring Characteristics and Motives of Consumer Innovators: Community Innovators vs. Independent Innovators
Canadian Center of Science and Education International Journal of Economics and Finance; Volume 5, issue 6, 2013 0.333 Energy-Saving Technological Change and the Great Moderation
lap lambert academic publishing Book - Misery of Concepts; Foundations of Controversies Relating to the Conceptualization of Social Capital
Business Perspectives Investment Management and Financial Innovations; Volume 10, Issue 1, 2013 - Systematic risk measurement in the global banking stock market with time series analysis and CoVaR
Socio-Economic History Society Socio-Economic History; 76 (4), 571-591, 2011 - 中華民国期華北における機械製粉業
Kyoto University of Education Bulletin of Kyoto University of Education; No.119 (2011) p.113-122 - Transformation of and Prospects for Educational Anthropological Studies in Postwar Japan
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Taylor and Francis International Journal for Academic Development; January 2012, Pages: 1-15 - Structured strategy for implementation of the teaching portfolio concept in Japan
Springer Evolution: Education and Outreach; 2012 - Improved “Origami Bird” Protocol Enhances Japanese Students’ Understanding of Evolution by Natural Selection: a Novel Approach Linking DNA Alteration to Phenotype Change
Springer Journal of Remanufacturing 2011 - An Analysis of remanufacturing practices in Japan
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